Sed vitae enim egestas, congue arcu et, efficitur augue. Cras sit amet venenatis est. Sed pulvinar sodales lacus sit amet placerat. Nulla facilisi. Integer pellentesque semper magna vel pellentesque. Cras imperdiet tortor sit amet erat aliquet rutrum.

I make stuff.
More specifically, I think, I tinker, I take my family and stress levels right to the edge of unhealthy for a human to take on and say, “that’s nice.”
As a result, over the years I started: Pretty Hammer, a tee shirt company, Studious Bison, a McSweeney’s-style-blog with a dozen contributing writers, I’ve made mix tapes, turned mixed CDs, turned Spotify Playlists (The Jebner Mix is now over 50 mixes strong), and recently been in more of a startup mode with projects like ArterBarter and Who Said What Now.
Here’s what some of these projects look like…

I’ve spent the better part of my life drawing and painting, with no end game.
A few years ago I thought - what if I got rid of my art one piece at a time, with the catch being that each of the pieces would be traded for anything but cash. In August of 2018 ArterBarter went live, and I have been bartering my artwork on ever since.